When you own your own home and have it on a piece of land, no matter how small, you can pretty much do whatever you want to with it. People who are renting and living in an apartment, don’t have the option to create what they want to out of their own property. You can build your own garden, for starters, this will help with being able to have access to your own food. Keep a compost bin nearby as well, this works as a natural fertilizer.
Key Takeaways:
- Using your own space to be self sufficient is a great way to gain peace of mind about long term surival
- You can grow fruit trees and start your own compost so that you can be rest assured you will always have some food to keep you going.
- Starting a chicken coop can be a pretty cool way to have eggs ready in the morning. Eggs are a full protein meal that you can survive without any other foods.
“Homeowners have several distinct advantages when it comes to prepping.”
Read more: https://www.askaprepper.com/10-survival-diy-projects-you-can-start-on-your-property-right-now/