Let’s get one thing clear, as much as I love being cheeky and writing about prepping, keeping the storage locker filled requires that I actually earn a living, too. This blog is a part of that earnings and to be compliant with the FTC ruling I present this disclosure policy so that it is clear to you dear reader that in I may be compensated for that what you’re reading and clicking.
If I am doing my job well, then every thing I share should contain some type of affiliate link or product from my own store. And if it does not today, over time I will find a way to monetize (read make money) from the click.
On this site you’ll learn stuff, and if what you learn is valuable and you take action based on my recommendation, I get paid. Seems fair, right?
From time to time I will do product reviews, I may or may not get those products for free, and will clearly state which is which. That said, getting something for free doesn’t mean that I’m going to like it or even want as a part of my own preparedness plan. So NOPE suppliers can’t buy my opinion, it is my own and I will wield it in truth.
Bottom line, I use this blog (and all the content on it in one way or another) to generate income. When you click on a link, ad, or product offering I shall be paid.
Happy Prepping,
Cheeky Prepper