In an effort to save money there are some foods that you should not be throwing away. Stale chips and pretzels can go in the over to crisp them back up. Parmesan cheese can be kept in the freezer and will never get molding again. Blocks of cheese are covered in mold during the cheese making process and they cut it off and sell it to the consumer. You can cut the mold off your cheese too. Canned goods that are not tomato based can be used for years after their expiration dates, stale bread can be made into stuffing and croutons. The egg tip is an experiment of sorts, if your egg floats throw it out, otherwise it is good to eat.
Key Takeaways:
- Certain foods are inherently better when crisp, such as crackers, cookies, chips, etc.
- An excess of humidity can leave crisp foods, like chips and cookies, stale, or doughy.
- To return these items to a level of appropriate crispness, you can heat them on a cookie sheet, over low heat.
“Now not only did you not throw food out but you have perfectly crisp foods back in the cupboard.”
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