Bracelets are a popular accessory, but you may not be into them as a fashion statement. However, your mind may change if you were told that a great length of useful paracord can be crafted into a pragmatic wrist tool for you. In emergency, rope has many varied applications, and the wristband can be undone to provide a strong length of paracord. You can also learn about new styles and patterns as you craft your end-of-times bracelet!
Key Takeaways:
- Paracord bracelets provide a compact way to carry cordage that can be used for myriad tasks.
- If you are up to making your own paracord bracelet, Cobra and Fishtail are two of the most basic designs.
- More advanced DIY designs include the Bane’s Cuff, Lightning Strike and the Kylo Ren Lighsaber.
“This isn’t a friendship bracelet, Mad Max wore one and he survives in an apocalyptic dystopia.”
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