Mushrooms are very nutritious and reputedly excellent brain food. That said, they can be a bit pricey at the grocery store. Wildcrafting, though an excellent mushroom gathering option, is fraught with peril for the less than thoroughly skilled and apt to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive occupation besides.
Therefore, the other wise choice is to grow your own. Should you elect to go the indoor route, you will need a dark and shady spot, such as the basement, or even a drawer. If you choose to grow your mushrooms outside, you can grow them in raised beds, or even on logs. Buttons and Shitakes tend to be good varieties for newbies.
You will need a tub, if planting inside, mushroom seed, called spawn, substrate to seed your plants in and a moist towel and spray bottle. Your substrate can be sawdust, or coffee grounds. If using straw, you’ll want to pasteurize it first. You will want the spawn to catch hold with heat, which can be ensured with a heating pad, after which you will want to move the tub to a cooler locale, usually within 2-4 weeks. Cover the growing spawn with moisture and use the towel to keep the growing plants damp.
Key Takeaways:
- Since grocery mushrooms are expensive and wildcrafting is difficult and laborious, growing your own makes good sense.
- You can grow mushrooms inside, electing a dark and shady nook in the basement, or inside a drawer.
- Growing supplies will include substrate, spawn, a tub, a moist towel and a spray bottle.
“The experts say oyster or button mushrooms are the easiest for beginners.”
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