It’s always a good idea to carry some cash on you, and failing to do so can cause some headaches. Don’t count on in-store ATMs, which may be short on cash or out of order. Even people who use debit and credit cards should keep cash on hand for when registers can’t process card transactions, or for urgent usages like late-night gas runs. Keeping some cash on when isn’t just a luxury for preppers, it’s a good idea everyone should follow.
Key Takeaways:
- Even though debit cards and credit have become many people’s default pay scheme, it is still a good idea to carry cash.
- Because there are still businesses that will only take cash, particularly small , you could miss an opportunity to buy something one of a kind.
- Because technology does fail from time to time, you never know when the cash register, or the ATM, might malfunction.
“I think I’ll increase that amount to $200 in the wallet and have a spare $100 in the truck, replenishing as necessary. Lately it just seems that I’ve run out of cash at all the wrong times and if in a situation where it’s not as easy as missing breakfast it could be a serious detriment to be low on the Benjamin’s.”
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