When you think of gardening and growing your own food, you probably consider something that is pleasing to the eye, not just pleasing to your own nourishment. You will probably picture something that everybody knows is a garden and is appealing looking. You probably don’t want people to appreciate what your garden looks like during a survival period though, because they may feel compelled to help themselves. You will want something that blends in and just looks like large growths in the front yard.
Key Takeaways:
- Herbs are a great addition to any garden because they prevent pests and insects and also can help better your food.
- Brambles have thorns and this helps keep people and animals out of your garden. They also help produce raspberries and blackberries.
- Annuals help add some fun to your garden since they can be grown each year. If you really need to protect your garden, indoor gardens work too.
“Planting perennials around fruit and nut trees will give you a great base for the rest of your survival garden. Now, you will have food-producing trees, which very few people can identify, surrounded by hard to identify perennials that will all produce food for you.”
Read more: https://survivallife.com/survival-garden-best-plants/