It’s important to understand the distinct — but not always completely separate — concepts of a disaster vs. a survival situation vs a bug-out situation. Disasters are events either natural (earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc) or man made that can be dangerous. A survival situation is life threatening and results when a disaster gets particularly hazardous. A bug-out situation is one in which you decide to just leave the area altogether. Being prepared for situations like this means having a well-stocked bug out bag and a plan for where to go, how to travel, rendezvous points an other concerns.
Key Takeaways:
- Disasters, which are not generally of the same ilk as bug out scenarios, are events that have happened on the planet before, that are disastrous, but for which contingency plans exist.
- A survival situation can be one in which a power outage becomes prolonged, or one is involved in a crash.
- While many disasters are natural and weather-related, others are man-made, such as chemical leaks and oil spills.
“Potentially horrific events flood the airwaves, the Web, newspapers, and lunchtime conversations. But what does it all mean? Are all these situations the same?”