With the rise of the living off the grid movement, log cabins may be more popular than ever before. Most of the cabins are built using the kit, but to make it really special, you should consider using all-natural materials and trees that you cut down and processed by yourself. After all, that’s what the pioneers did with tools much more primitive than what you have. There are several kinds of trees you can use, but it is important that the logs are tall, wide and straight. Make sure your logs are dried properly before you start building. The best logs in your lot should be saved for the roof.
Key Takeaways:
- It takes around 70 logs to build a cabin, and you can get two logs from one pine tree.
- For location, consider the flatness of the ground, direction of the sun, and proximity to a water source.
- After adding the roof, finish the cabin by staining and chinking.
“Most people think that building a log cabin is well outside their expertise and capabilities. But if you’ve done enough research, it’s well within your reach.”
Read more: https://www.shtfpreparedness.com/how-to-build-a-log-cabin-from-trees/