It is important to keep Greenhouses at an reasonable temperature during the winter to keep plants safe. The sun is usually the biggest contributor to the process of heating a greenhouse but during the winter this not an option. It can also be very costly to pay for electricty to keep your plants warm. Thankfully passive solar heating is a cost effective option to keep the temperature where you want it without running up your energy bill. Heat sinks, concrete alternatives, coposting, mass heaters and sharing heat are also many options that one has to keep their greenhouse heated. Now more than ever, you can keep your greenhouse warm without breaking the bank.
Key Takeaways:
- Since ideally your greenhouse will enlarge your growing season, it’s imperative to keep it heated in winter, yet do so in a cost-effective manner.
- Electricity is usually not cost-efficient, so it’s a good idea to store daytime heat and then reuse it at night.
- Heat sinks, which trap warmth slowly and then release it, are an excellent way to do this.
“Greenhouses, hoop houses, and cold frames depend on passive solar heating to keep the temperatures up. The heat radiating from the sun penetrates the plastic or glass and is trapped in between the panels. For this to work, your greenhouse must be strategically placed to capture the maximum amount of solar energy.”
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