Emotional stress can zap your energy and tire you out. You must train yourself to handle high stress and emotional situations in order to maintain your energy level. Watch your diet! It effects all aspects of our life, so watch what we eat and also what we have in storage. Exercise also helps in controlling stress and produces great results in over all mental health. If you do not like to exercise then you need to get over it and do it anyway! It is too important not to and you need to burn off some of the fuel you put in your body daily!
Key Takeaways:
- For optimal physical and mental wellness, it is important to consume a healthy diet.
- Exercise can help immensely with alleviating stress and an overall feeling of emotional wellness.
- Because emotional stress can be so taxing, it’s important to have tools at your disposal to help you manage it.
“Science is very clear about the fact that we are governed by the things we put into our body.”
Read more: https://www.shtfpreparedness.com/managing-your-mental-health-in-shtf/