Prepping is a serious matter. It involves life and death. As parents, many adults would choose to attend to most prepping details solo, or only bringing on older kids so as to spare their smaller children from facing such dire truths at a young age.
However, some parents do elect to bring their younger kids on board when it comes to prepping work. With smaller children there is not a lot of mid-ground. If parents elect to not keep their prepping away from their small children then they may need to have a talk with their kids about why prep stuff needs to be stuff we keep in the family. This is paramount, since the whole point of prepping is survival. It’s hard to teach a small child that is just catching on to sharing that there is a time for not sharing. But, prepping is antithetical with sharing outside the family. So, if the concept is not going to go over, wait for junior to get older.
Their are simple lessons that can prepare youngsters for prepping, things like teaching kids the vital role that water plays in all our lives and the rule of three, as in how long we can survive without the basics of water, air and food. One great thing to do is to get a “Lifestraw” filter, because it underlines your teaching about pure water and it also helps kids in developing kids, kids like yours, get water they need. There are lots of fun activities that can prepare smaller children for the bigger issues of prepping, things like camping, coin collecting, crafting, assembling needed supplies together, wildcrafting and learning about natural healing items like essential oils, cooking and taste-testing foodstuffs together.
Key Takeaways:
- When it comes to prepping and kids, parents should probably avoid bringing in smaller children, or else consider teaching them the need for keeping prepping stuff entirely in the family.
- Fun, prepare the way for prepping things that can be done with smaller kids include camping and coin collecting.
- Teach smaller children the importance of pure water and the rule of three, as in how long humans can do without the three essentials of air, water and food.
“There are lots of fun activities that can prepare smaller children for the bigger issues of prepping.”