Traditionally speaking, truck owners used to correlate living in your vehicle to simply reclining one of the seats and dozing off to sleep. Fortunately, modern inventions have made it possible to create a shelter in your truck that is not only functional, but comfortable as well. A convenient and affordable way to go about this is by purchasing a truck tent that connects to the bed of your pickup truck. You can also purchase camping mattresses that roll out and place them inside for a comfortable sleeping area.
Key Takeaways:
- There are many different situations which could result in having to live out of your vehicle
- If your vehicle has a bed, consider purchasing a tent that can fit that space
- Don’t forget to keep up to date on vehicle maintenance like tire and battery health
“Your emergency supplies should include a first aid kit and enough food and water to last for a while. A lot of stores offer 72-hour kits which include everything you would need to survive 72 hours, from flashlights to food.”
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