People often stock up on bottled water in case of emergencies. An alternative solution is to set up a rain barrel, which can capture up to 55 gallons of fresh rainwater. Rain barrel kits are bought and used by gardeners, but if you intend to drink the water, you’ll need to either boil it or obtain a water filtration system. You can prepare a food grade barrel on your own with just a few tools. With a little work, you can connect it to the Fiskars DiverterPro Rainwater Diverter Kit, and then all you need to do is wait for rain.
Key Takeaways:
- Beginning a rainwater collection in case of emergencies will help your family feel prepared for any environmental calamity that may affect you.
- Storing rain water in a barrel is recommended, and you can get a rain barrel kit at most any hardware store.
- Environmental calamities are starting to impact geographic locations which were previously stable and invulnerable, so everyone ought to be prepared, just in case.
“A twist of the wrist unleashes a never-ending flow of the wet stuff for drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and more.”
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