Your dentist regularly admonishes you to use dental floss, as it could protect your teeth. But, it could also protect your life and well-being. A box of dental floss is light and super-portable, these factors alone make dental floss a potentially great additions to a survival gear-pack.
Not only can you get food out from between your teeth, you can keep intruders away with an improvised alarm you can rig with noisy cans and a trip-wire constructed of floss. The waxy coating covering floss is flammable, which makes it a serviceable form of tinder. Other things you can do with floss? Make a snare. Use it to splint an injury. Create a clothes line with it. Even twine it to make a rope. You’ll be happy you grabbed it from the vanity cabinet.
Key Takeaways:
- Dental floss makes a great item for any go bag because of its light weight, convenient size, cheap price and versatility.
- The waxy coating on dental floss makes an excellent substitute for tinder when starting a fire.
- Floss can also be used to make snares or fishing lines for catching food, or braided together into a rope.
“To keep intruders and critters in check you can easily set up an improvised alarm system by only using empty food or soda cans and dental floss!”
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