We shared this over on the Cheeky Prepper Facebook Page, but hadn’t yet put it out on the blog. We have abandoned condo life and are now living on our own suburban home. After several years of searching this place meets all our needs.
- We are close to family
- The home is large enough to improve our prep
- And even more importantly (to me) … a place to garden
I have officially dubbed the whole yard as my garden … therefore it is
“The Yarden”
It’s hard to believe we’ve been here less than a few months and I have already laid out wood chips to compost in place for a raised garden bed. Planted more than a dozen fruit bearing trees and shrubs, most in grow bags while we improve the soil. And I even have a small herb garden on the patio. The back of the property backs up to a meadow where I’ve added in the “Butterfly Hollow” and that leads down to a creek where we can do a little fishing for fun.
Still on the agenda for April is to complete the grid attached solar setup prepare the site for rain collection and start vermicomposting.
As we make progress around the property we’ll be sharing updates and things we’re learning as we grow more self sufficient – and more sustainable. Keep visiting the blog and we can learn together.