As a prepper a certain lone wolf feeling is sometimes inevitable. Nonetheless, the truism that no man is an island exists for a reason. Community is always desirable, even as a prepper. But, it is important to understand what you seek from a community. A shared understanding of each other’s world perspective and goals is useful and can be achieved by actually going out and meeting other preppers. An online community can be a great service, if simply being able to swap stories and share and vent is your goal. It isn’t unreasonable to set the goal a bit higher though. Besides ideas, it’s great to have for a a goal a community that shares resources, tips and skills. At the least, when the shit hits the fan, a community should rally around the most basic goal of keeping everyone minimally nourished.
Key Takeaways:
- One very useful thing that a prepared community can provide, which every prepper needs and can appreciate, is security.
- Relationships are a worthwhile goal to expect from a prepared community, as every member needs to touch base with others who understand their prepper goals.
- Other things that are not unreasonable to expect from a prepared community are the sharing of resources, including tips, knowledge and skills.
“A community that is fed is one that does not have to become desperate.”
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