Whether you happen to be in the woods, because you’re picnicking, or running from a zombie horde, being in the North American woods can be lethal. It’s quite easy to get lost if the woods are unfamiliar to you, or your tracking skills are minimal. You will certainly starve without food, or water. Hypothermia is a distinct possibility. And don’t assume that because you’re not in the jungle the animals are all small, cute and afraid of humans. There could be bears and snakes, just to name two lethal predators. Disease is always a potential factor. And mother nature could drop in with a mudslide, an avalanche, an electrical storm, or just buckets and buckets of rain.
So, what items do you want to have on hand, should this unfortunate occurrence occur?
Your body must have warmth. So, ideally, you have extra gear, a blanket and poncho and something to start a fire with. If you keep a pack for emergencies, and outdoorsy types really should, it should have a folding saw, a knife, a first aid kit and at least 100 feet of paracord. The latter will make a shelter if you have no other means. Also you can use it to climb, make a splint, or lower yourself off of a ledge. Try to have some extra food on hand. Energy bars pack well and pack calories too, which you will need. You will also need a way to purify water and a way to signal where you are.
Key Takeaways:
- The North American woods present many lethal concerns for lost hikers, including the possibility of hypothermia, flooding, starvation, dehydration and encounters with wildlife.
- Waterproof matches are a good staple, but you should always carry an alternate fire-starting component, such as a magnesium starter.
- Pure water is a must and to that end you will need iodine tablets, or a metal item to boil water in, or a water filtration pump system.
“Your cheaply made $5 pocket knife is not a survival tool. A good, strong knife with either a fixed blade or a locking main blade is an indispensable tool in the woods and wilds. You will always need to cut things, so make sure you never leave home with a dull knife.”
Read more: https://www.offthegridnews.com/extreme-survival/survival-items-when-youre-lost-and-desperate/