Hunting 101: Tracking And Finding Animals In The Snow "Many animals will travel similar routes, seeking food and especially water. If you find one of these routes, called a run, you likely will be able to find the animal. In the case of small game, you could set traps along a run to catch animals for food; with larger game, you would likely set up a blind for hunting … [Read more...]
The Legalities Of Defending Your Home And Family
The End Of The World As We Know It(or TEOTWAWKI) depicts a time of great social and economic upheaval. It's natural to want to make sure to prepare for that in every way, including protecting home and family. However, it is key to keep in mind that keeping the law is important now and will be even more important in times of chaos. Reading up and preparing with the law in mind will be more … [Read more...]
Everything You’ve Heard About Stockpiling Ammo Is Wrong
Some preppers say that we should all be stockpiling 10,000 rounds of ammunition, but considering how much money that will cost we should be a little more scientific. Deciding how much ammo you will need involves first figuring out which guns you and your group will use in a disaster situation. It is likely you will need guns for two purposes: defense and hunting. It's probably wise therefore to … [Read more...]
4 Deadly (And Easy-To-Make) Self-Defense Weapons
In the event of a giant societal break-down, using weaponry will not be a subject of much debate. It's likely to be a simple fact of life, a necessity. Guns are often espoused as the weapon of choice, because any age-group can use one with lethal effect, with not a lot of advanced training, or with any excess of height or musculature. They do need ammo, however, and are apt to become rare and … [Read more...]
My First Knife Purchase – First Impressions
We get questions on Facebook from time to time about the things we share and post. Even last week, someone suggested our blog name wasn't "manly" enough to be taken seriously and professionally. Welp, we're not professionals, we're women who still consider ourselves novices, as we continue to learn share and grow our skills. We always welcome comments and feedback - how else do we improve and … [Read more...]
99 Relatable Things That Only Preppers Will Understand
Preppers often do perfectly sensible things that non-preppers nonetheless laugh at. Preppers often purchase huge quantities of toilet paper, duct tape, food and other supplies, and often store them in unusual ways. They think about OPSEC, tactical and skills training and the world overall in ways that are far more rigorous and focused than most people. They plan obsessively, and make sure their … [Read more...]
How to Make Shotgun Shells at Home
Home-loading, that is creating a shotgun ammo supply personally, was once the main option for hunters and woodsmen. Nowadays, it's far easier to buy ammunition. There is a huge array of options. But, home-loading is still a viable option. Smoothbore shotguns, or scatter guns, were among the earliest short-range weapons for shooting devised. Today's version is not entirely un-similar. A high-tech … [Read more...]
Choosing a Knife According to Your Survival Needs
Even if you currently live in an urban area, you may end up facing both urban and wilderness survival challenges in the event of a major disaster. You need to equip yourself with a knife that can handle many different tasks, including field-dressing of wild game, cutting and processing firewood, scavenging supplies, defending yourself, and other tasks. You may also need bolt cutters and pry bars … [Read more...]
The 11 Most Important Survival Items When You’re Lost And Desperate
Whether you happen to be in the woods, because you're picnicking, or running from a zombie horde, being in the North American woods can be lethal. It's quite easy to get lost if the woods are unfamiliar to you, or your tracking skills are minimal. You will certainly starve without food, or water. Hypothermia is a distinct possibility. And don't assume that because you're not in the jungle the … [Read more...]