If you are considering getting chickens for your homestead, you might be overwhelmed by the various breed possibilities. For starters, decide on which size you would like to have. Ask yourself what kind of eggs you are hoping to receive from a chicken. Some breeds, like dual-chicken, thrive in both rural and urban areas. Decide if you intend to raise your chickens yourself. Also decide which kind of meat you hope to have.Consider free-range types as well.
Key Takeaways:
- Colors, sizes, shapes, and temperaments are all things to consider when buying chickens for your homestead.
- Decide what purpose, what kind of meat, and what size eggs you want in a chicken.
- Consider if you want free range chickens and what type of flock you want.
“It was dizzying trying to decide among hundreds of chicken breeds in all shapes, sizes, colors, and temperaments.”
Read more: https://www.offthegridnews.com/how-to-2/best-homesteading-chickens/