Soap can be made from various products around the home, this soap however is very basic and used more for cleaning or hand soap. It is not recommended to use for bathing, as it may be harsh on skin, and avoid contact with eyes. It contains white ash from hardwoods burned and fat. You can use tallow, lard or grease you have been saving. Boil the ash in a large pot, not aluminum, and let ash settle, … [Read more...]
Food Storage: The Prepper’s Three Layer Plan
Preppers are big in the number three, as in how many days hours or minutes one can survive without the essentials of life. Turns out three is an important number when it comes to stockpiling edibles as well. The first layer is the one most of us are already stocking without really thinking about it. It's made from stuff that goes on a bit longer than fresh stuff. If you have a bad, busy week, a … [Read more...]
How To Make Neosporin – DIY Easy Tutorial With Pictures
In the event of minor, everyday wounds, there are many topical ointments that will do the deed of ensuring a speedy recovery without a doctor visit. There are natural alternatives as well, for those that prefer to get their medicinal aid from mother nature. And while the ingredients are not necessarily less costly than a product bought at the pharmacy, they do last a long time. Basically, you will … [Read more...]
My Bug Out Bag Has A Secret | Survival Uses Of Pantyhose | Survival Life
Pantyhose are an amazingly versatile item, and no bug out bag should go without a few pairs. Worn under clothes, (yes, this applies to men, too!) pantyhose can provide some extra insulation and provide excellent protection from biting insects, leeches and other creepy crawlies. Pantyhose can be used to make a rudimentary fishing net. It also makes a great bag, belt, or fastener, and is also useful … [Read more...]
Prepper Must-Have: Minimal-Smoke Cooking Backups
The distinctive visual and olfactory signs of smoke can be a nuisance to preppers for several reasons, not least of all because it tends to tell everyone where you are. Many methods that cut down on smoke also cut down on labor as well, and avoid the need to cook outdoors, which may not always be practical. Common methods of cooking with no or minimal smoke include propane and butane stoves, … [Read more...]
99 Relatable Things That Only Preppers Will Understand
Preppers often do perfectly sensible things that non-preppers nonetheless laugh at. Preppers often purchase huge quantities of toilet paper, duct tape, food and other supplies, and often store them in unusual ways. They think about OPSEC, tactical and skills training and the world overall in ways that are far more rigorous and focused than most people. They plan obsessively, and make sure their … [Read more...]
Is It Possible to Make Your Car EMP Proof?
Cars built after the 1970s have computer-controlled engines that would be destroyed by an EMP event, so any unprotected, post-70s car would be completely disabled when the E1 and E2 electrical spikes of an EMP event hit. If you can’t or don’t want to buy a vintage car, the simplest solution may be to purchase replacement electronics for your vehicle and store them in a Faraday cage. You can also … [Read more...]
[Video Tip] How To Make A “Rocket Stove From A Coffee Can“
A rocket stove (also known as a rocket heater or hobo stove) is a high-temperature cooking device that can be constructed from scrap materials. The advantage of this kind of hobo stove, as opposed to many of the available kits, is that it is light, compact and readily disposable. (abstract 3YOAVL4CAZGRR9IG9I2OWJ2ACLZ4ZL 3300DTYQT2G2S3BB1U0Q2WYIYK8EQK ASSM7JHMBCDWW)(authorquote … [Read more...]
Why Almost Everyone Is Wrong About Choosing Best Homesteading Chickens
If you are considering getting chickens for your homestead, you might be overwhelmed by the various breed possibilities. For starters, decide on which size you would like to have. Ask yourself what kind of eggs you are hoping to receive from a chicken. Some breeds, like dual-chicken, thrive in both rural and urban areas. Decide if you intend to raise your chickens yourself. Also decide which kind … [Read more...]
Who’s Helping Grandma Get Prepped?
I am all about being prepared for things that can go wrong. We get really busy thinking about SHTF, but what about everyday preparedness? For ourselves, that's probably easy ... but what about Grandma, or another elderly person you care about? Over the last few months I've had the privilege of escorting my Aunt, who is 70, to some doctor appointments and over this time I've learned a little … [Read more...]