Preppers often do perfectly sensible things that non-preppers nonetheless laugh at. Preppers often purchase huge quantities of toilet paper, duct tape, food and other supplies, and often store them in unusual ways. They think about OPSEC, tactical and skills training and the world overall in ways that are far more rigorous and focused than most people. They plan obsessively, and make sure their children, family and friends do the same. They tend to distrust media and government, but may identify fellow preppers through subtle choices in reading material, hobbies and activities.
Key Takeaways:
- Preppers often accumulate such large quantities of common household necessities like food and toilet paper (and store them in such unusual places) as to appear ridiculous to non-preppers.
- Preppers take detailed planning extremely seriously, and impress its importance on their children.
- Preppers tends to be suspicious of government and traditional media, but often feel a kinship with other preppers.
“Prepping isn’t all about whiling away your hours in a bunker, reloading ammo.”
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